Links & Sources

Wisconsin Honey Producers Association. The longest-serving state member organization for beekeepers since 1864. The WHPA welcomes beekeepers of all levels and sizes, from two hives to 2,000.

WI-Dept. of Ag Trade & Consumer Protection (DATCP) APIARY Program – The WI DATCP Apiary Program works with hobbyists, sideliners, commercial, and migratory beekeepers to check for honey bee pests and diseases. Forms, resources, and more available HERE.

Pollinator Stewardship Council. Founded in 2011 to defend managed and native pollinators vital to a sustainable and affordable food supply from the adverse impacts of pesticides.

American Beekeeping Federation – Learn about the ABF, a national organization that represents and supports beekeepers and the beekeeping industry. 

American Honey Producers AssociationThe AHPA is dedicated to promoting the common interest and general welfare of every American honey producer.  From the backyard beekeeper to large commercial beekeeping, whether you run 1 to 2 hives or 80,000 hives, the AHPA pledges to work to improve the future of beekeeping for all.

The second link below is to access the list of queen breeders who belong to the Wisconsin Honey Bee Breeders Association.  Click here.